
Are Short Term Rentals allowed in Timber Lakes?

No: Nightly rentals are not allowed in Timber Lakes. Short Term Rentals are considered any rental less than 30 days.

Is there a Time Requirement to build once you purchase a lot?

No: There is no requirement to build once you purchase a lot. You will still be required to pay the HOA Annual Assessment, Water Assessments, and Property Tax. You will have entire access to all Timber Lakes amenities. 


Does the Security Gate Entrance always have a Security Guard on site to let owners and guests in?

No: Security Guard Hours are 6:30 A.M. – 11:00 P.M. Every Day. Owners receive RFID tags for their windshield to automatically open the Owners Gate 24 hrs a day. 


Can I come look at properties For Sale in Timber Lakes?

Yes: But, you must be accompanied by a Real Estate Agent to gain access through the security gate. No public access is allowed.


How many properties are in Timber Lakes?

1,410: After 50 years of establishment, owners of multiple lots have combined for more acreage and we are down to around 1,400 properties from originally being a little over 1,500. Out of those 1,400 remaining, there are around 1,000 homes/cabins built, and 400 vacant lots as of 2021.


Do people live Full-Time in Timber Lakes?

Yes: As of 2021, 40% are full-time residents and 60% are part-time residents.


Can I have horses in Timber Lakes?

Yes & No: Horses are allowed in Timber Lakes on a temporary basis. A 15 foot easement is provided along all lot lines facing a road. This easement is for over-snow vehicles and equestrian purposes. Bring your horses and temporary pens to enjoy mountain rides through the development.


Are roads plowed in Timber Lakes?

Yes: Every road in the development is plowed and maintained year-round. The Timber Lakes Road Crew does a great job with staying on top of this.


What Utilities are available?

All: Water, Electric, Septic System, Propane, Internet, Phone, & Cable.


Minimum/Maximum Sq. Ft. requirement to build?

Min: 900 sq. ft. Max: none